The Continued Awakening

Through the unity of mind, body and spirit, Soul Medicine, Inc. radically awakens the heart’s universal light, raising human consciousness, for the highest evolution of mankind. You are awakening and remembering who you truly are, which is a birthing process. Be gentle with yourself, relax into the flow of life’s beautiful journey, and welcome to the continued awakening...

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The Power of Unity

Thursday Dec 08, 2022

Thursday Dec 08, 2022

In a time when things are changing in unprecedented ways what can we do to keep ourselves empowered and educated without being on an emotional rollercoaster.  Do you know what one person can do to change the outlook?  Do you know how to stand in your own fortitude and use your power to initiate change?  Tune in and step up to the plate of your own future....  

Wednesday Jun 15, 2022

Do you know you have sacred relationships? These sacred relationships can be partners friends, co-workers and your pets. In this episode we explore how these relationships are sacred and maybe even a relationship you may not have considered. Enjoy and share with your friends.

When God Laughs

Friday Jun 10, 2022

Friday Jun 10, 2022

The Universal Source of All things Created looks at us like children. As spoken of in many sacred texts, “We are the children made in the image,” learning through each of our own individual experiences. We all chose to be here and can agree that we came here on purpose at this time to do something greater than the individualized physical self. In the NOW is where you access God/Goddess within you, that kingdom power within you, that is yours by your birthright to wield and influence the world in benevolent ways… but only if you Believe. Om Tat Sat… I Am That.

Projected Perceptions

Wednesday May 25, 2022

Wednesday May 25, 2022

One of the greatest gifts we are given is our power of free will choice and we get to choose every life experience that we have on this Earth Plane. From the tiniest choices to the largest choices; they all add up to equal the reality that plays itself out for us to learn, expand, evolve and to love deeper. We each reflect one another. So, if I am seeing something outside of myself, in the mirror that is in front of me, I can choose to unwind illusions of separation and discover the actuality of reality of the lesson that is here for me to learn and also gain a deeper state of awareness to make higher choices and step closer back to the soul Self or I can choose to keep spinning in a projected illusion of separation and create more resistance in life. Empowerment is the true ability to free oneself by choosing to look in the mirror reflecting me back to me and, instead of projecting an emotion/choice/situation onto another, we take responsibility for our lives and recreate a new pathway to dream into being the bliss of life that we wish to have. 

Shades of Separation

Wednesday May 18, 2022

Wednesday May 18, 2022

As a collective, the illusion of separation is what continues to keep us away from our authentic self and the ability to become truly empowered. When we see others as more powerful or ourselves as less worthy, but it is all just a mirror of our need to maintain the false self and keep separation alive. To break free of the illusion, one must reclaim those parts of self that were left behind each time the soul stepped away from unity and closer to some sort of shade of separation. Ultimately, we are all going to unite and realize that we are no longer threatened or disempowered because our identity is not based on external labels but instead on internal truths and the innate knowing that we truly are One.

Wednesday May 11, 2022

What we create, and where we really start to manifest our reference point reality, is in how we perceive/interpret/think about the events in our life that generate our feelings about those events, and how we subsequently respond with our behavior. You are participating in creating your reality whether you know it or not. When you deny, reject, or are unaware of this, then you have somewhere given away your power and will feel like a victim of your life. Your thoughts, if you think them over and over, and assign truth to them, eventually become beliefs and can then even manifest in physical form. Questioning if such instances are 100% Truth or not, allow us to step out of our comfort zone, gracefully grow and effectively evolve. When you begin to expand your awareness and consciously make choices from the highest place of Self, you are then empowered to be responsible for the life you create.

What the hell is happening?

Friday Apr 15, 2022

Friday Apr 15, 2022

If we begin to become acutely aware of the changes that are happening on the Earth plane, most of the time when we speak about change, our awareness projects outside of Self. However, I invite you to view this time in existence at both a microcosmic (human nature as a representative of the Universe, a reflection of the Divine) and a macrocosmic (the entire cosmos as a whole) level. In doing so, the lower dimensional looping patterns that are presenting themselves for us to face and neutralize can be more gracefully traversed. The experiences we choose to have then lead to more lessons that assist us in cultivating a deeper sense of loving awareness and conscious wisdom that steadies evolution of One and all through grace and strength. 

Cooperation -vs- Competition

Wednesday Mar 30, 2022

Wednesday Mar 30, 2022

Cooperation is the process of groups of organisms working or acting together for common, mutual, or some underlying benefit, as opposed to working in competition for selfish benefit. Many animal and plant species cooperate both with other members of their own species and with members of other species.
Competition is a rivalry where two or more parties strive for a common goal which cannot be shared: where one's gain is the other's loss. Competition can arise between entities such as organisms, individuals, economic and social groups etc.
What if we could act in cooperative competition, moving towards a common goal? Join Mama Bear with and open mind of "What if?" for this provocative discussion.

Thursday Mar 24, 2022

The sacred heart inside of the chest screams, “help your brothers and sisters, we are all One” and leads to a place called Chiddacash… the heart above the head, the spiritual heart, the purest place of unity, oneness and detachment. The moment our emotion is attached to an outcome, we lose our ability to detach in order to see the highest perspective and then our emotions drive us to create based on the vibration in which we are choosing to exist as. 
If we believe that we are the Creator and that The kingdom of God is within and that we are all creating the experience we are having to learn, to evolve and to be able to love deeper, the all judgement falls away, indifference dissolves and Truth is all that is left. 

Are you caged or are you free?

Wednesday Feb 23, 2022

Wednesday Feb 23, 2022

Most people would say, “Yes, I am free.” But are you REALLY free or are most of us just pretending to be free and playing into an illusion of freedom? One’s definition of freedom is based on each individual’s life experiences, perceptions, core beliefs, level of conscious awareness and if interpreted trauma (misguided Love) has been worked through or not. Every time you surrender and make a different choice that is more in alignment with the Truth of your soul, you are breaking out of a cage, choosing a new timeline, existing in a higher frequency, freeing yourself and moving closer to living and further away from merely existing. 


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